
Temporary voice channels for Discord!
Just like in the good old TeamSpeak times.

Why use TempChannels?

TempChannels enables your server visitors to create their own temporary voice channels. This way everyone can manage his very own channel without needing server rights. To keep the server clean, the number of channels are limited per user and empty channels will be deleted after a few minutes.

Private channel

Decide who may join your channel and who may not. Especially usefull during ranked games.

Fast commands

Thanks to short and easy-to-use commands you can create and manage a channel within seconds!

Customizable prefix

The standard prefix "!" may interfer with other bots. Therefore you can choose your own prefix.

Clean server

All temporary channels are put into an own category so your server stays nice and tidy. Empty channels are deleted automatically.

Disable Commands

Every single command can be disabled. This way the bot can meet the diffrent demands on every server.

Enjoy gaming

No need to get bothered by trolls. Thanks to channel-specific ban and kick commands you can enjoy your gaming session.

Quick Start Guide

  • Invite TempChannels to your server
  • Use !c to create a new TempChannel
  • Use !ban @User to remove unwanted guests
  • Use !cc to delete all your TempChannels
  • Use !help for everything else
  • Enjoy your Discord experience

Command List


  • Command: !help
  • Description: Links to this page.
  • Command: !uptime
  • Description: Shows how much time has passed since the last restart.

Bot Customization

Use the following commands to customize your bot behaviour.

  • Command: !prefix <new prefix>
  • Description: Change the prefix used to identify commands. ! is the standard prefix.
  • Aliases: tempChannelsPrefix
  • Command: !disable <command>
  • Description: Disable the specified command on this server.
  • Aliases: d, deactivate
  • Command: !enable <command>
  • Description: Enable the specified command on this server.
  • Aliases: e, activate

Channel Creation

  • Command: !channel [option] [option] ...
  • Description: Create a new TempChannel. Configure your TempChannel with the available options.
  • Aliases: c, create, new
  • Example 1: !channel -n "my channel"
  • Example 2: !c -m @UserName -n "my channel" -l 10

The following table contains options that are used behind the command!

option name syntax description
channel name -n <name> give your TempChannel a name
private channel -p @User1 [@User2 ...] only the mentioned user(s) may join
move -m @User1 [@User2 ...] move the metioned user(s) into the new channel
timeout -t <x> delete channel after being <x> minutes empty
limit -l <x> set user limit to <x>

Channel Management

Use the following commands to modify existing TempChannels.

  • Command: !clear
  • Description: Deletes all TempChannels owned by the user of this command.
  • Aliases: cc
  • Command: !kick @User1 [@User2 ...]
  • Description: Moves the mentioned user(s) out of the TempChannel you're currently in.
  • Aliases: k
  • Command: !ban @User1 [@User2 ...]
  • Description: The mentioned user(s) get kicked an their rights to join your channel get removed.
  • Aliases: b, deny, remove
  • Command: !unban @User1 [@User2 ...]
  • Description: Allow the mentioned user(s) to join your channel.
  • Aliases: ub, allow, add

Source Code

The source code of this bot is in a public GitHub repository together with all the bots I created.
Please feel free to visit my GitHub page if you have any questions about the implementation. Suggestions for improvements are always welcome :)


If you are feeling generous and want to show your support, you can buy me a beer or coffee via PayPal :)


I hope you find this Discord bot useful.
Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or suggestions.

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